
Healthy Children Grow Up to Be Healthy Adults

If you are a parent, you understand the importance of teaching your children healthy habits.  It’s a huge responsibility to help them to learn how to eat right, exercise regularly, and give their body the vitamins and nutrients it needs to thrive.  But what...

Chiropractic and Pregnancy

  In our practice it is common to see pregnant women, newborn babies and families getting care. We often have people stop and watch us adjust the pregnant women and babies and often when it is their turn to get adjusted I will get asked why a pregnant woman needs...

After Surgery Care

Surgeries can be more than just a one-and-done situation many times. Not only are there pre-surgery preparations, but there are also post-surgery complications and recovery process to consider. Even when a surgery of any kind goes exactly according to plan, it's not a...

Text Neck and Your Brain

Prolonged smartphone use has been shown to cause changes in neck proprioception (the joint position sense of the body that controls most of our balance and posture).

Health Based on Fear or Strength?

How can you be proactive with your health, make good decisions about your health before it is an emergency or your options are limited and most importantly make decisions based on strength not fear?

Do you need a Chiro?
Take the quiz to find out!
Do you need a Chiro?
Take the quiz to find out!