Chiropractors are NOT Real Doctors
Are chiropractors real doctors? This is a questions we get asked A LOT in our practice and the answer is a resounding YES!
Are chiropractors real doctors? This is a questions we get asked A LOT in our practice and the answer is a resounding YES!
How many times does it take to start feeling relief? Find out here as Dr. Cain tackles another common chiropractic myth.
This week, Dr. Cain talks about a VERY common chiro myth: The pain of an adjustment
RESEARCH is designed to measure the EFFECT of sickness or treatment. CHIROPRACTIC deals with the CAUSE.
Can you imagine an auto mechanic with a wrench in hand blind folding himself and trying to fix your engine? That is what it is like when individuals try to correct their own spine!
One common chiropractic myth is that once you start you will never stop. Fact or fiction?