
I can crack my own back!

Can you imagine an auto mechanic with a wrench in hand blind folding himself and trying to fix your engine? That is what it is like when individuals try to correct their own spine!

Treating the Cause, Not the Symptoms

Treating The Cause and Not Just the Symptoms Headaches, Back Pain and Neck Pain... Often times as we are taking new families on their tour of the clinic, we hear them say to each other, "Wow, I had no idea chiropractic could help with ________". We talk about how...

Chiropractic Not For Children?

Can you imagine an air traffic controller losing communication with all the planes landing and departing at an airport. That is exactly what happens when communication breaks down between the brain and body. Chiropractic care can restore communication.


We know that when your nervous system is functioning as close to 100% as possible every cell in your body exhibits greater health. When this is achieved we can create a natural drug free health (including anti-histamines).