Spine-Nervous System Connection and What It Means for Your Health
If the structure (our spines) that are there to protect the nerves become compromised than it can lead to imbalances and tension on our nerves and nervous system.
If the structure (our spines) that are there to protect the nerves become compromised than it can lead to imbalances and tension on our nerves and nervous system.
You cannot make an educated decision about your health if you do not know your starting point or where you are currently at. Create a baseline of your health.
How can you be proactive with your health, make good decisions about your health before it is an emergency or your options are limited and most importantly make decisions based on strength not fear?
Statistically, the USA is one of the sickest industrialized countries in the world. What’s missing in our healthcare system and how do we feel better?
If you and your family are feeling sick more in the winter, there is a good reason for that. There is also a great way to boost immunity!
Did you know that the very first structure that the body forms, the most important structure and system in your entire body, is your nervous system?